All initiatives are carried out in compliance with the provisions of the law, are indicated in the current DPCM and will be scheduled from time to time following the indications contained in future DPCMs.

Julia von der Lippe

Born 1974 in Lübeck (Germany). 2006 she was a successful graduate in the study of Art History in Berlin which led her to Hamburg, London and Rome, where she was employed for three years at the Max-Planck-Institut for History of Art. Since 2000 she has worked for societies like the Pierreci soc. Coop. and the Courtial International s.r.l., in the field of city guide and organizing cultural events. Her passion for Rome, for the arts and culinary life led her, together with her husband Valerio Vernesi, to the foundation of Romamirabilia.
Like the Mirabilia Urbis Romae, the earliest tour guide of Rome, that has accompanied pilgrims and tourists around the city since the 12th century, Romamirabilia would like to lead you through the city, showing you its beauty and charming singularity.

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