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The most beautiful squares and fountains in Rome (Tour 1)

The most famous among the Roman fountains is certainly the Trevi Fountain. The architecture of this fountain, inspired by Roman triumphal arches, marks the end of an aqueduct, built by Marcus Agrippa in 19 BC. In the following centuries the Popes who restored the ancient Roman aqueducts used to build fountains to commemorate their deeds of munificence. Piazza Navona is the symbol of Roman Baroque: in front of the magnificent Palazzo Pamphilij we can see Bernini’s Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (fountain of the four rivers). The monumental fountain’s figures each represent one of the four principal rivers then known. Among the other squares of this itinerary we will see also the famous Spanish Steps and the Pantheon, one of the best preserved buildings of Roman Antiquity.


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