All initiatives are carried out in compliance with the provisions of the law, are indicated in the current DPCM and will be scheduled from time to time following the indications contained in future DPCMs.

The glory of the baroque: Illusionistic ceiling paintings

Rome’s baroque churches are so richly decorated that one often notices the ceiling decorations only as one is leaving the church. During our tour we will see some of the most ingenious examples of baroque illusionism: Giovanni Lanfranco’s Glory of the Angels in S. Andrea della Valle, the ceiling fresco of Baciccia in Il Gesù, Andrea Pozzo’s fresco in S. Ignazio, and last but not least Giovanni Odazzi’s realistic Fall of the Angels in SS. Apostoli. Anyone who would like to see more illusionistic ceiling decoration should visit the Palazzo Barberini where Pietro da Cortona realized one of the most important ceiling frescoes of the baroque period.


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