All initiatives are carried out in compliance with the provisions of the law, are indicated in the current DPCM and will be scheduled from time to time following the indications contained in future DPCMs.

Michelangelo in Rome

Michelangelo’s activity as a painter from this time has produced one of the most important masterpieces in the world: his frescoes in the Sistine Chapel that you can visit during our Vatican tour. This itinerary will lead you to Michelangelo’s sculptural and architectural masterpieces in Rome: to the monumental tomb of Julius II in S. Pietro in Vincoli, (that was left unfinished due to the many demands of other commissions the artist had at this time,) to the Capitoline square, which was newly designed by Michelangelo around 1536 for the arrival of Emperor Charles V in Rome and to the later construction of the Palazzo Farnese and to S. Maria degli Angeli, the former Baths of Diocletian which Michelangelo reconstructed into a church.

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