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Raphael and the Renaissance in Rome (Tour 1)

S. Maria del Popolo and S. Agostino belong to the few Renaissance churches, constructed in Rome. S. Maria del Popolo is one of Rome’s greatest stores of artistic treasures, including the works of Raphael, Pinturricchio, Tibero d’Assisi, Sebastiano del Piombo, Caravaggio, Annibale Carracci and Bernini. Raphael’s frescoes in the Chigi Chapel in S. Maria del Popolo and his “Elias” in S. Agostino belong today to the least known works of the artist whose grave, with its interesting history in the Pantheon, we visit during our tour. We also become aquainted with two other artists from the Renaissance: the Umbrian painter Pinturricchio, who realized a beautiful fresco cycle in S. Maria in Aracoeli, that tells of the life and death of St. Bernardino of Siena, and the Tuscan painter Filippino Lippi in S. Maria sopra Minerva. Inside the church, there is one of the few examples of Gothic architecture in Rome. There are also tombs of important Renaissance personalities such as the 16th Century Medici popes, Leo X. and Clemens VII, the Humanist Cardinal Pietro Bembo and the artists Andrea Bregno and Fra Angelico.


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