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Around Rome with Goethe

“Oh how I feel so happy in Rome! I remember the times, when a gray day in the north embraced me, cloudy the heavens, sinking heavily on my head, the world lay faint and shapeless about the tired, and I, through my self, of the dissatisfied spirit, glimpsed gloomy ways ‘n, sank silently into contemplation .. “.

With this passage from the Roman Elegies, Goethe manifested his great love for Rome, the Eternal City, where he lived with a brief break between 1786 and 1788. “From an early age the thought of Rome was to be seen in his soul and I can very vividly enjoy the joys that he now feels in the enjoyment of the masterpieces of the pre-world; for him to revel in his whole life must delight him- also his friends He has the gift of being able to present things to them alive. “(Letter from Mrs. Rat to the Herzogn Amalia). Even today, it is a pleasure to go through Rome with Goethe’s Roman recordings, not only because of his ability to describe things, but also because today they serve us as a testimony of time. The tour takes us from Piazza del Popolo to the Capitol.


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